Of Course!
You’re sitting at your desk quietly paying your mortgage, or possibly reading Cosmo Girl, when suddenly, for no wholly apparent reason, you can’t see straight. You seem to have lost control of your very essence, and your eyes begin to tear. And then it happens. You shriek; You slouch; Your eyes close; Air is expelled from your body at 100 miles per hour.
Such passion! Such intensity! And this all provoked by the infiltration of several dust particles into the nose.
What’s weirder: sometimes even just the noise and dramatic motion isn’t enough. Occasionally, any sneeze-victim will find their extremities coated in liquid! Weird.
After said screaming convulsion, any polite passer-by chooses to bless the person who has sneezed. Apparently, such an intense explosion of humanity warrants religious affirmation. Why the heck not?
Normally, if you were to pass someone on the street begin to thrust and shout, you would laugh, call 911, or tell your child not to stare in a hushed voice. Though when someone does the exact same thing in a sneezey context we ask a deity to bestow them with blessings.
Aside from sneeze reactions and initiations, many components of general sneeze culture are fascinatingly weird. For example as with many bodily functions, the sneeze has an onomatopoeia associated with it: the infamous, "a-choo." First of all, it isn't extraordinarily common to meet a sneezer who very accurately emblemizes the "a-choo" sound. Second of all, what is this "choo" that the sneeze addresses? Is sneezing a subconscious expression of "chewing?" Who knows?
So friends, sneeze on! But be sure never to discredit the oddness that is the sneeze. Bless you.
hahaa it did get better. and i shall sneeze on! isnt it also weird that the noise of a sneeze is labeled as sounding like "achoo", so maybe we should stop calling them sneezes and start calling them choos...
Good Call!
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